Case Study

Data - Large Financial Services Firm

Houston, TX

Business Challenge

A rapidly growing technology service provider to the largest banks, pension funds and insurance companies in the world is experiencing dramatic growth in their business.  As a result, the daily volume of transactions and data feeds was growing at an exponential rate and started stretching their own in-house capacity and capabilities. 

The client turned to ixStrata to provide senior database developers to supplement their own resources and provide additional capacity and skill sets.

ixStrata Solution

ixStrata provides several senior database developers on a long-term basis to provide several services, including:

  • Automation of ETL processes,
  • Development, implementation and ongoing operational repsonsibility for SSIS packages,
  • Automation of validation and error checking for incoming data feeds,
  • Ongoing DevOps and monitoring capabilities, and
  • Bandwidth and additional capacity to handle short term spikes in demand.

Also, by using a combination of on-shore and off-shore resources, we are not just in a position to lower costs for the client, but also provide extended coverage on a daily basis to ensure smooth operations and rapid reaction to any issues with external incoming data feeds.


Case Study - Data Feed Management and Optimization Image Case Study - Data Feed Management and Optimization Image

Business Benefits

Benfits to the client include:

  • Additional capacity to handle spikes in demand,
  • Improved cost profile thanks to mixed on-shore / off-shore sourcing model,
  • Extended service hours,
  • reduced downtime and faster response to their clients,
  • Higher data quality due to advanced error checking algorithms and improved data processing,
  • shorter load times due to improved processes and optimized ETL programs.


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